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Transcriptomics at maize embryo/endosperm interfaces identifies a transcriptionally distinct endosperm subdomain adjacent to the embryo scutellum

Additional supplementary information for the paper The Plant Cell 32(4):833-852 (2020)

Functional annotation of maize proteome

Zea mais B73 genome v4. Gene annotation Gramene v58.

GO terms
File structure (tab-separated):

InterPro domain identification
InterProScan version 5.27-66.0, ProSite 2017_09, Panther v. 12.0, Pfam v. 31.0.

GO-term enrichment analysis

GO database dump (MySQL)
More information about how to use this snapshot (local copy).
Username: go_select
Password: amigo

Annotation database dump (PostgresQL)

Custom scripts
(to be released soon)
Dependencies: Graphviz, PostgreSQL.